Nuclear theory research at Notre Dame addresses the origin of the elements and the strongly correlated motion of nucleons within the nucleus, through investigations in theoretical nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure physics. In nuclear astrophysics, we probe the properties of nuclei and nuclear matter under extremes of temperature and density, to constrain nuclear physics and astrophysical environments. In nuclear structure, we seek to understand the emergence of simple patterns, such as quantal rotational and vibrational modes, through ab initio and collective approaches, in nuclei from the very lightest to the heaviest and to the limits of stability. We also perform ab initio nuclear structure calculations aimed at constraining physics beyond the standard model.
News & Events
Colloquium: Maria PiarulliApril 2023Nuclear theorist Maria Piarulli of Washington University in St. Louis is giving the April 19, 2023, departmental colloquium The importance of many-body nuclear effects in light nuclei.
Anna McCoy named FRIB Theory FellowJanuary 2022Nuclear theory group alum Anna McCoy (Ph.D. '18) has been selected by the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Theory Alliance (FRIB-TA) as a 2022 FRIB Theory Fellow. She will be hosted by Washington University in St. Louis. [Notre Dame news item]